
Friday, July 4, 2014

Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July

Grab a burger, hot dog and soda and relax

This is the float I helped build for my Cat Scouts troop,
Wally's Warriors. We have a great time. You
should think about joining up.

I have to mention that I am now a Bobcat!
See, right there on my proud chest

When you do good Cat Scout work it is rewarded!
Thank Mew Denmaster

Me too Timmy! I am a Kit Scout!
Now let me light my hat

Have fun and be safe evfurry kitty and family too! If you have to run UTB from boomies remember to steal some goodies from the pawrents plates to take with!


Enjoy and work to preserve our Independence
Timmy, Toby, Buddy, Rumpy, Mr Buttons, Miss Fitz, Einstein and Dad


  1. Yew guys looks great, yesh! We dressed up too - we loves dressing up, but we dun likes dose evil boomy cracky things, nopers! Hoomans ish sho stoopid wif dose, and we hopes none of yew hash to hear them thish year - we gots our kitteh ear plugs all ready to go, just in case MOL! Buddy, we misses meowing wif yew at dah Russian Blue Lounge and hopes we gets to go back there soon *sigh* - Happy FURth of July and lots of purrs from us to all of yew guys!

  2. Happy Independence Day to you and all our friends in the USA.

  3. We're coming over to your picnic...wait for us! Love your float and congrats to Timmy on his hard work and promotion! Happy 4th of July, dear friends!

  4. Y'all are looking terrific! Happy Independence Day everyone!

  5. Happy Purrthday America!

    Now, time to hide from the fireworks...

  6. Hurrah fer Bobkat Timmy n Hurrah fer Kitt Scout Einstein!!!! Well dun ya two!!!Happy 4th of July n let'z haz sum snackz to sellybrate fer shuire UNDER DA BED ;)
    Much lub Nylablue n Mum too

  7. Happy Independence Day to all of y'all!

  8. Wow! You sure do know how to celebrate! A very Happy 4th to you all, Stay safe and enjoy!

  9. Happy 4th of July to all of you. Timmy and Einstein, you did a fabulous job on our float for the parade. ~Wally

  10. What a great celebration ! We love the Cat Scout's boat ! Happy 4th of July ! Purrs

  11. Wow you had lots of fun!Happy belated 4th of July!xx Speedy

  12. Happy 4th Timmy and gang! what a great picnic spread and the float looks pawsome! concats to you Timmy and Einstein in another great promotion :) hgs and loves Fozziemum xx

  13. Congratulations on being a Bobcat, Timmy!

    Happy Fourth of July weekend to you and the whole family! :)

  14. Concatulations on your purrmotion, Timmy! And Einstein, you are a great Kit Scout! :) Sampson sure had a wonderful time yesterday at Scouts! So many fun things going on. Hope you all had a wonderful 4th.

  15. I sure do hope you had a wonderful Independence Day, yesterday.

    And CONGRATULATIONS on your promotions in the Cat Scouts! EXCELLENT.

    Nissy #Niss4Senate

  16. What a pawsum posty. And yous did a gweat job on da float. Luv ya'll in da foto wrlaxed and havin' a picnic. And Concats on becomin' a Bobcat Timmy. And you's a gweat kit scout Einstein.

    Luv ya'


  17. Concats to the promoted kitties!

    Great looking picnic and float, too. Float?? Doesn't that mean ice cream and rootbeer?? We wanna has some float, too! MOL!

    We hope the boomers are all done and you can get your ears back to normal, whatevfur that may be...

    Happy Day after the Fourth, you kitties!!

  18. You did a super awesome job on our float! Went above and beyond. You deserve your bobcat promotion! Yay for you Timmy. You look lovely in your uniform too Einstein!

  19. You are doing so well in cat scouts; so happy I know such ambitious cats!

  20. The 4th was absolutely the best at Cat Scouts, according to Mau and Lisbeth. He's wishing he could still be a Wally's Warrior with you. Einstein is such a goof ball. Love him bunches. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  21. Looks like you guys had an incredible 4th guys!


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