
Monday, May 5, 2014

Treat Treat where is the Treat

Hey Einstein! Come on over here. I want to show you something befure the rest of the furmaly gets wind of what is going on.
I wanted to show you where Dad hid some treats.
Einstein: I smell them  but...  Where awe day Timmy?

Look. There. Look inside the box.
Einstein: I see now.I GOT ONE! I GOT ONE!

Einstein: I see another one Timmy
Good job little fellow.
Rumpy: What is all this then

Rumpy: Hey! There are Treats in there!
Yep, you have to fish them out.
Einstein: Rumpy that one is Mine!

Rumpy: Here I Got one... no I don't
Buttons: Let me show you cats how its done

Buttons: You just... you... you... 
Rumpy: Not so easy is it Buttons

Now where...
Rumpy: Got the last one I think

That was a lot of fun
Rumpy: Sure was
Einstein: Yep
Buttons: *Sigh*

Have a great day furends!
Wait... Whats that Miss Fitz? Oh, yes, it sure is!

Have a safe and happy day!

Please keep the purrs going fur our pal Clementine who is still missing.
Timmy Tomcat


  1. That sure looks like challenging fun!Maybe ya'll need your own smart box to get enough treats, MOL!

  2. What, you kitties are having to work for your treats?! Wow.

  3. That looks like a lot of work for treats. We hope they were the good ones!

  4. That looks like a lot of fun but I prefer my mum to hand feed me my treats.
    Happy Cinco de Mayo to all of you.

  5. Oh wow!! So lovely to see you all!! And what a great way to get your treats!!! Enjoy!

    Happy Cinco de Mayo!!! Take care

  6. Looks like you all enjoy the treat box! That box is huge hit in our home, too :-) Such a fun box!
    Happy Cinco de Mayo and have a wonderful new week!

  7. Those treat puzzle boxes are a lot of fun. We love how everyone got involved!
    Happy Cinco de Mayo!

  8. that looks so much fun Timmy!,xx Speedy

  9. Looks like you all enjoyed getting the treats out! Happy Cinco de Mayo to y'all!

  10. I hope Buttons got a treat after all.

  11. Have a whole big bunch of festive fun gang!

  12. doodz N fitz !!! that treet box iz awesum N whatz even better iz ya dinna hafta put a nickel in de slot like de gum masheen !!!!

  13. Fiesta time!! TREAT time!!!
    Happy Cinco de Meow!
    Annabelle, PB&J
    Angels Abby & Grace

  14. That treat toy looks like it is SO much fun!!! How neat! Maybe we can get our daddy to make something like that for us. Hope you all have a great Cinco de Meow!!!

  15. That was fun... time to restock the box!
    Hope you're having a happy Cinco De Mayo.

  16. That looks like lots of fun, gang! Maybe your Dad will re-stock the box so Buttons can get a few. :)

    Happy Cinco de Meow-Yo to you all!

  17. OMC Dat's pawsum. Meez seen those afuw but didn't know ifin dey's wus any fun. Guess dat answews meez kwestion. MOL Happy Cinco de Mayo!!

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥


  18. Our mom did the same thing with our toy like that. We were a little disappointed that she made us work so hard for those treats.

    Happy Cinco de Mayo, amigos!

  19. Happy Cinco de Mayo Timmy and Furmily!

  20. Thank you very much for the birthday card for Tungsten! I'll be mentioning that in my next article. The tiny terror doesn't like to make a fuss over her birthday - but I don't think she minds if others do!

  21. Party Games! Looks like you're having tons of fun. That Clementine doesn't know what she's missing. Hope she gets her butt home very soon. Thanks again for sharing on the Pet Parade ~Rascal and Rocco

  22. Our mom needs to get us toys that have treats in them! It's so sad about Clementine. We really hope they find her soon!

  23. Ohh mom wants to get us one of those. If all of you guys like it then I think she is sold on it! Purrr

  24. What a pawsum place to putz da treetz!!! Lookz like ya all had sum fun n gott treetz too!! ;)
    We iz purrayin fer Clementine....where oh where can she bee???
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum too


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