
Monday, April 21, 2014


Meow Oh-My we got the bestest award from our pals! 

Yoo Hoo! YOO HOO! Award
Furst: We want to thank both Sammy of One Spoiled Cat and also the kitties at A Cat on my HeadThank Mew for giving us this award!

SecondedWe did visit a lot of blogs who have been awarded this and left comments.

Thirdly: We will tell you three things we are thanfur for.
One: We are so very thankfur for Einstein. He came to us a little teeny kitty.
Einstein: Hi Timmy
Hi Einstein

We are thankfur that Rumpy is getting over his Asthma with Dads help
Rumpy: There was Medicine in that ham?
Dad: Yup
Thirdly: We are thankfur that YOU are our furends!

We think just about all our furends have this one so we ask you to take it if you do not. Just credit us with it and tell what you are thankfur for.
As an FYI our good pal Nerissa created this award to celebrate the amazing number of visits to his blog! Stop by and visit as he is planning a big giveaway soon.
Please purr fur our pal Toby and his person Uncle Mike. Toby got his tail caught in a door and needed surgery. Visit them Here.


  1. Congrats on your awardie, Timmy! We will go visit Toby right away!

  2. Concats on the very cool award! Have a pawsome week!

  3. Congratulations on the award! I read in the comment you left on my blog that Rumpy had asthma. I am glad that he doesn't mind his medicine - as long as it's in ham. However it goes down, as long as it goes down: the motto of those giving medicine to a cat!

  4. doodz & fitz...St Francis' blessings ta yur pal toby and conga ratz on yur way awesum awardz frum nissy !!

    N rumpy....dood...quit smokin buddy.... oh kay !! ♥♥♥

  5. Woohoo ! Concatulations on your cool award ! Purrs

  6. Concatulations to the coolest moggies across the pond x

  7. Concats on your award. I am glad Rumpy is feeling better.

  8. Concatulations Timmy dat's pawsum. And little Einstein is sooooo cute. :) Hav a Pawsum Munday!!

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses :)


  9. Yow we iz thrilled ya got diz award to Timmy!!! N we iz happy Rumpy iz feeling bettur.
    We shall pop over n leeve sum guud wishez fer Toby kitteh....poor boy. Dat haz to hert ;)
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mumm xoxoxoxo

  10. Concatulations on your award! Such great things to be thankful for. Stopping by your friend Toby's now!

  11. We was super happy to read that Toby is home with his family! Poor boy--we are purring for him to feel good soon! XOXOXO

  12. Congrats on your award! That is a pretty cool one. I'm glad to hear that Toby is feeling better.

  13. Thanks for the Shout Out. It's almost hard to remember when Einstein was so tiny. We are so glad that your daddy saved his life and he came to live with y'all. So glad to hear that Rumpy is improving. And we are all thankful for you as well. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  14. Concats! you have a wonderful list of things to be grateful for! Going to go by Toby's bloggie right now.


Let us cats know what you think of our post! No hissing please.