
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Big News

Toby here
Timmy will be telling you about some Big News
OK then Buddy will!

Buddy are you going to...
No, Einstein then!

Einstein tell us the Big News
OK Toby!

On  Monday Timmy will be featured on My Three Moggies as the Fur Friend of the Month. Hope you all come and visit!

And its EASY TIME!

Um, gotcha.
So cats see you tomorrow over at 

Happy Easy
Toby Tomcat


  1. That's so great! And you all are looking so cute in your snoozin'! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!

  2. Wow! Excellent! For today, enjoy your Easy! You guys look like you are expurrts at it already!

  3. Yay!! Such exciting news for terrific Timmy!! Awww gorgeous Einstein and beautiful Buddy!! Enjoy your snooze!! Take care

  4. Oh, how cool! We can't wait to see your feature. In the meantime, enjoy your easy. Looks like you're well on your way with it!

  5. Yeah, we'll pop over to see you buddies ! Purrs

  6. Oh how cool! We'll come by and visit too.

  7. That should be fun! Enjoy your Easy everyone!!!

  8. Well dun annoucin Toby!!
    We look forward to Timmy'z interview fer shure :)
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum xoxoxoxoxo

  9. That was exciting news we can't wait until Monday.

  10. Og goodie, goodie. Archie, Oscar and Henry are such good furiends of ours. We were featured last month or the month before. We forget. But we will definitely check out the post about Timmy. Einstein, you are getting so big! Hope y'all had an Easy Sunday. Sure looks like it. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth & Calista Jo

  11. You guys seem to be adapting to your new celebrity! We'll be sure to go check you out!
    XOXO Meaghan and Scarlett from The Wigglesworth Connection

  12. Oh we love the moggies and we can't wait to see you featured there Timmy :) hugs and have a great easy...zzzzzz Fozziemum xx

  13. You's lookin gawjus and kwite comfy. Dat's a meowsy gweat honow fuw Timmy, meez will be der fuw suwe. Hav a Pawsum day!! ☺

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥


  14. dood...stoppin by with best fishes, mice creem dishes N happee gotcha day wishes !! hope yur day wuz rockin awesum FUN & ya getted ta due sum stuff ewe wanted ta due...hope popz getted ewe a new cat tree witha full lee stocked fridge attached N inn side ya saw sea bass, toona, salmon, perch, bloo gill, butter stix, pork roast, flounder, mackerull, trout, ham samiches, pizza pie anda beer for dad !!! heers ta eleven bazillion or gotchaz dood !!! ♥

  15. That's so exciting! Concats! Heading over now to check it out :)


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