
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Timmy's Moon Shot

Hi Furends:
Sammy from One Spoiled Cat invited his blog furends along on his Moonwalk! There will be a Big Pawty at the Luner Hotel tonight!
I have been a space loving cat since I read
these as a kitten. Dad was a good influence

I had my liftoff in the Tomcat Rocket 

I got in my suit to be ready for my space walk

I am ready to purrtect cats the universe over
from dangerous Space Monsters

Back to where you come from Creature!
Sammy got me a great room.
Good service but a bit slow

I had to find an outfit fur the pawty.
How do you like it?

Thanks Sammy for some grreat fun!
Have you been to space?
Timmy Tomcat


  1. dood !! yur suit is rockin awesum...just bee care full when ya jetty son round up ther....due knot for get de klingonz haza cloakin dee vize !!!! N if ya see spock can ya give him sum headbonks frum uz !! haz fun & ENJOY !!!!!!

  2. Timmy, we have been denied…we never knew that books about space cats even existed. Your space suit is so pawsome and special. We all just decorated the stock variety. There will be a special pawty tomorrow on the moon. It is Lily Olivia's 15th Purrday, and we are planning a big bash. Hope you will join us for that! Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  3. You look pawsome Timmy and we iz all havin a blast with Sammy on the moon BOL /MOL you keep a watch out fur monsters furriend...Paw Pats Doc xxx

  4. Timmy my friend you really looked SWELL at the awards banquet AND I'm glad you're enjoying the trip....!! We're sure having a super time aren't we? Tomorrow we head back home - there's no place like home for sure but there's also definitely no place like the Moon!

    Hugs, Sammy

  5. Mawahwhahhwha love your outfit :) We are having a ball at Sammys, the moon is really cool :) Have a super weekend Timmy and Dad xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. You've all be having an amazing adventure!

    Thank you for the purrs...It's not been fun for either of us and we've sure scared the human plenty over the past couple of weeks. But we hope we're on the mend, albeit seemingly slowly.

    Have a good Friday and weekend!

  7. I don't trust that alien cat with the extra legs. Keep an eye on him, Tim.

    I want to thank you for your comments in regard to Bear-Bear's passing. I do hope to meet him again, where it won't matter how we long we spent together, only that we're together again.

  8. It looks like you guys had a great time going to the moon! I love your space suit. I hope that you were successful in keeping the other kitties purrtected from space monsters. That is a really important duty. Space monsters can be really scary.
    I wanted to let you know that I nominated your pawsome blog for an award! You totally deserve it. Stop by my blog (Playful Kitty) any time to pick it up .

  9. YESSSSS! I saw you at the pawty, Timmy! You were dancing with a really nice ladycat ;) It's a lot of fun! Back home tomorrow! :(

  10. You did a great job with your edits!!!! Have fun on the moon!!!
    ((husky hugz))
    Frum our pack at love is being owned by a husky

  11. Oh what a fun! Your space suit is so cool! Have fun space walking and at the pawty!

  12. Timmy! yous was the life of the pawty and the trip! Yous is a hoot!

  13. Awesome pics! What an adventure! ~Rascal and Rocco

  14. PepiSmartDog:
    Hi Tim! *waves* LOVE your moon trip !!!! AWESOME!
    Sorry I'm late with my comment this week. *blushes*
    Thanks for supporting Thankful Thursday Weekly Blog Hop. Hope to see you again. *waves* :=o)


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