
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Relaxing Caturday

Hi Furends:

Wow we really had fun with the Halloween Party. Thanks fur coming by and making it such a success. 

Next week is the Cardwood Derby at Cat Scouts so I am going to relax today with my Kliban Kitty.

I have you K Kitty. You will not get away

How about a good Bunny Kick

I can flip you into the air

Einstein: That looks like Funsies
Timmy: No this is serious Big Cat work

Why do I feel this is not over?

I have you K Kitty. You will not get away

Have a great Caturday my furends

Timmy Tomcat


  1. My human remembers the Kliban cats from the 1970s - I just wanted to throw that out there to date her.

  2. Happy Caturday Timmy! Looks like you and your little furball are having lots of fun!

  3. Oh my cat paws... Einstein You have got our Mom squeeing big time over here!!!

  4. Einstein! You learned from the best and you're doing it right, I see!

  5. Where are you finding all this energy after Halloween. Phew, I still am worn out. That is might fine kicking for sure.

  6. You are teaching little Einstein some fun things!

  7. Timmy, we cannot believe that Einstein got your kitty, especially as it is bigger than he is. Are you going to give K. Kitty a ride in your Cardwood Derby car. Mom and I spent almost all day working on mine. I know I won't win any prizes for it, but we are still having fun creating it. But please don't tell me the Derby is next week. Mom and I are thinking it is the 15th. Since she leaves for Paris on Monday and won't be back until the 14th, I sure hope it isn't sooner. Head-butts, Mauricio and purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  8. Timmy ...Einy might be tiny but he's kickin that kitty in the heiny good hehheh have a great day from all of us here down under and it seems behind!! ;) hugs Fozziemum x

  9. WHOA...little E...K kitteh iz big az ewe wee dood !!!! TROUT TROUT !!!

  10. Einstein is a good imitator I think and you're a good teacher, Timmy...even if your don't see it that I wouldn't either ;) Pawkiss :)


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