
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tributes and Our Homeless-Hiss!

We were saddened by the news that a Catblogosphere Legend has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Skeezix your feline sense of fashion shook the world and we will miss your excellent commentary on the glitterati and regular cats as us. We are Pinking Up so you can see all you Blog Buddies so much easier from the Bridge. Purrs Furend!

Until we shall meet again keep the Bridge Fashionable. 
We also want to put a tribute to Marigold who went to the Bridge on the 16th after a fight with FIP. She had been adopted by Laura of Heaven Sent after Rose of Rose and the Royals Died and her kitties needed new homes.

Fly Free Dear Marigold!

As you know FIP is a very deadly virus and Laura fought the good fight with her vets for Marigold. 

The Furriends of the Cat Blogosphere have an Auction running to help defray the huge vet bill. Please stop by and maybe bid on some items.
Hurry it closes on Friday!!

Quint of Colehaus Cats has donated a Special One Off Painting that is very nice. 

Furriends of the CB Auction for Marigold

Now a word on Homeless-Hiss!

Seems the Dad got a bug in his bonnet (not that he wears them but maybe he would look ok, hmmmm) about the places our family has, well, worn a bit. Now being clawless but not clueless I must admit my brofurs have done a bit of damage alteration to the carpets. Since through the use of Torture Behavior Modification and Training they are now Claws-Off the old guy (old old guy) decided to splunge and get new. Then he thinks (so rare in humans these days) "Hey, I am having this done why not do the paint too!" 

Yeah Dad! Just peachy. Did you think to discuss this furst? No. Dad if you just drop the T from paint you have what this has caused. PAIN! We have been ripped from our home and thrust into that cubby-hole he calls an office. (We have a sneaky cat-chute into another room while he is all cramped. MOL)

We have paid him back in spades by running wild all night long Sunday and Monday. We finally settled down  last night at 1am. We were bushed. 

So that is the Saga. I heard Dad giving the contractor Dood a bit of an  ear as he wants to be finished by Friday. 

We have pretty good Squirrel and B-Word TV. (Hah TTT's)

Our Toby Tomcats B-Day is Thursday so we will have a party when we are back in our home and all our friends will be invited. Angel Pee Girl will also be a guest of honor as her Got-Cha day was June 20 when she met Dad. 

Have fun and torture you hoomans
We do!

Timmy Tomcat


  1. We sure do miss Skeezy. He will be missed, and always loved by so many of us.

    All that stuff at your house sounds crazy. We sure hope that contractor dood finishes on time!


  2. Oh, Timmy, we think your place looks great in pink today. Maybe not as good as your Dad might look in a bonnet but we'd need to see the pictures before making that call. MOL! Beautiful tributes, both. Skeezix and Marigold would be so proud. Hope you saved a bit of energy to alter the place after the contractor dood finishes up! Can't wait to see how it looks! Purrs....

  3. doodz N fitz...we noe skeezix iz lovin yur tributes ta him N iz way happee ya iz all up in pink....sorree bout de carpet N paint mess

    N dont think we iz gonna let ewe get bye with usin de B werd heer coz we catched it.... :)

    N we noez what it iz

    N all we can say iz if ya think ya iz crazed NOW frum bein in lock de B werd all day N ewe will all bee come inn sane....

    hay, want we shuld send ewe a cake with a saw in it ;) !!

  4. pea ess...we rocked out at boe boe's fish N fry on pee gurls gotcha day...N noe...noe one had any burd...her sends love...N says ta tell pops de painterz mizzed a korner


    dude & sauce

  5. Skeezix will be missed by many. That was a nice tribute to him and to Marigold.
    It sounds crazy at your house. I hope it is soon finished and you can get back to normal.

  6. So nice that you all are also honoring Skeezix. Hope the refurbishing is completed by Friday as planned. Your confinement doesn't sound like much fun. Glad the bird TV is keeping you occupied as well as the pestering of your dad. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  7. What a nice tribute to Skeezix and Marigold.

    As for being homeless...why do the humans have to "fix" stuff?? Can't they just leave things the way they are??

  8. Very nice tributes for Skeezix and Marigold. I sympathize with your being locked up during your home makeover. Mom did that to us when the men came to put in new windows. Luckily, our guys were in and out in one day.


  9. Timmy, I'm sorry you lost two of your furriends, that's always hard! You make us very curious about all the stuff that's happens at your place. Can't wait to see it... You sure know how to put someone's patience to a test. Happy birthday Toby Tomcat. See you later ;)


  10. Hmmm I hope I get to see what is going around in your home later :)

    P.S We are having phone and internetproblems here , both have been dead for 15 day´s now :(
    Glad that finally my mom found out that we can use her smartphone as a modem for the big PC.


Let us cats know what you think of our post! No hissing please.